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Our Spirit

Holistic Education - Involvement of the Whole School



Our Mission

In line with a biblical perspective, our school is committed to providing Christ-centered, quality holistic education, enabling students to develop balanced growth in spirituality, morality, intellect, physicality, sociality, and aesthetics. We hope that students can enjoy learning and, through appropriate curriculum and training, acquire diverse knowledge and skills to excel in life. Building good relationships between teachers and students, with teachers leading by example and students responding openly, creates a resonating and caring campus. Close collaboration between the school and parents, with parents as partners, fosters student growth through active participation and cooperation. Students become healthy in mind, body, and spirit, capable of discerning right from wrong and embracing a sense of responsibility. They receive the "abundant life" given by Jesus Christ and become a driving force in serving the community.


Four Pillars - Constructing the Whole School Life

Academic Affairs Division

The junior high curriculum emphasizes general education, helping students achieve balanced development in all aspects. In addition to the three subjects of Chinese, English, and Mathematics as essential tools for learning, elective subjects help students acquire knowledge and skills in various areas. The teaching spirit of our junior high division focuses on cultivating students' interest in learning, enhancing their learning confidence, and establishing good learning methods, habits, and skills. Therefore, our school seeks to understand students' practical needs from multiple perspectives and strives to make the curriculum relevant to daily life in order to achieve the teaching goals. The senior high curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, subject knowledge, and problem-solving skills.


Guidance and Counseling Division

Mission and Spirit: Based on the Bible, we establish and implement school rules with love and justice. We provide students with an excellent learning environment to foster self-discipline and good character, leading to mutual encouragement and assistance among students, respect for teachers, humility, diligence in learning, self-respect, a pursuit of excellence, proper behavior, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, and a sense of responsibility.


Activities Division


In line with the overall goals of our school for diligence, discipline, integrity, and harmony:

  1. Establish and provide various types of activities to enable students to develop balanced growth in morality, intellect, physicality, sociality, aesthetics, and spirituality.
  2. Emphasize guidance and counseling during activities to assist students in solving growth-related issues.
  3. Cultivate good teacher-student relationships based on the principle of life influencing life, following biblical teachings, nurturing student talents, and cultivating independent decision-making abilities.
  4. Enhance students' interpersonal communication skills in an environment of mutual love and grow together.
  5. Foster students' sense of belonging, personal responsibility, and a spirit of serving society in imitation of Jesus Christ.
  6. Integrate extracurricular activities into the foundational curriculum in line with educational reform initiatives.
  7. Utilize an intranet system to enhance activity promotion and member communication.

Gospel Division


  1. Inspire students to understand and accept the Christian faith, recognize the correct direction, goals, and meaning of life.
  2. Guide students to repent of their sins, accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, and have assurance of rebirth and salvation.
  3. Cultivate students to have a vibrant and vibrant spirituality and bear witness to the Lord in their daily lives.
  4. Help students establish a stable church life for the growth of their spiritual lives.
  5. Assist Christian students in proactive growth and bearing good fruit.
  6. Guide students to willingly share their faith with others and lead their loved ones to Christ.